Why You Should Remove Old Shingles Before Putting on New Ones

When you need to update your roof, contractors may suggest either completely replacing the roof or reroofing. Their suggestion depends on the state of your roof and the house in general. A new roof requires you to remove the current shingles to lay down new ones. Reroofing, on the other hand, typically places new shingles over old ones. Putting new shingles on top of old ones saves you time from having to remove all the shingles, but is it a good idea? Here are eight reasons why you’re better off removing old shingles before replacing them.

Lacks a Flat Surface

Shingles are meant to be fixed on flat surfaces. If you place new shingles over old ones, not only will there be gaps left behind, but the uneven surface also makes it hard to secure the new shingles properly.

Increases Inspection Difficulty

When the old shingles can’t be removed to thoroughly inspect the base underneath, your contractor can’t see or fix any existing damage. If these problems aren’t nipped in the bud when you’re getting your roof fixed anyway, they will become a huge problem later on.

Costs More

In the long run, reroofing is more expensive than replacement. Reroofing doesn’t factor in the cost of the base inspection or the replacement you may need a few years from now. Replacement is the more cost-effective way to go.

Can Lead to Weather Damage

Reroofing doesn’t allow you to weatherproof the base of the roof underneath the shingles. This means that every time there’s a storm or heavy rain, water and snow can seep in and damage the base of the roof and even the attic.

Adds Extra Weight

An extra set of shingles doubles the weight of shingles on the roof, which might be too much for older homes and roofs. If you aren’t careful, the extra weight can buckle your roof and lead to its collapse.

Lowers Value

If you’re planning to sell your home soon, you should know that a double-shingled roof affects the value of your home. Homebuyers will avoid a double-shingled roof because it means extra work and cost for them to have it inspected.

Invalidates Warranties

Some companies have different warranty policies for when shingles are used for reroofing because reroofing damages shingles much faster. Check to see if the shingles you’re going to use have any such clauses in their warranty.

Violates Some Area Regulations

Certain areas have regulations against double shingles, so check the regulations in the area where you live before starting this project. It’ll save you time and money from installing them and having to remove them later.

For any other concerns or questions about residential and commercial roofing, get in touch with us at Unified Roofing and get a free quote today!