6 of the Most Common Roof Problems

As a homeowner, you’re likely going to experience many roof issues over the years. Some problems are more common than others; you’ll likely have to take care of roof leaks on multiple occasions rather than having to replace your roof more than once. If you’re wondering what roof problems you should look out for, here are six of the most common:

1. Roof Leaks

Leaks are the most common roof issue that homeowners experience. Several things can cause roof leaks, which is why it can sometimes be difficult to determine the source and location of a leak. If your roof has a leak, it’s best to hire a professional to find and fix the leak.

2. Poor Installation

If your roof was poorly installed by the previous owners, then this can lead to many issues. If you’re not sure about the quality of your roof when moving into a new home, consider self-inspecting or hiring a professional to inspect your roof for broken, damaged, or curling shingles; algae or moss growth; leaks; damaged flashing; and more.

3. Damaged Flashing

Flashing is a type of plastic sheet or metal used to protect areas of your roof with creases, such as a chimney or skylight. If your roof’s flashing is damaged or poorly installed, it can open, blow off, and reduce the lifespan of your roof. Flashing can be easily replaced by clearing the area of shingles and installing new flashing.

4. Issues with Shingles

Over time, shingles can become damaged with age, but they can also be broken by harsh weather. Whether sealant that attaches to your shingles wears off, parts of shingles snap off, or your shingles just get worn down from weather and age, fixing shingles is a relatively easy fix. You can replace shingles yourself, but if you’re not sure what to do, hiring a professional is the safer route to go.

5. Tree Damage

Falling branches and limbs can cause a lot of problems for homeowners. While larger tree branches can cause serious damage if they fall on your roof during a storm, even small branches and twigs can cause damage. When they land on or rub against your roof, it can cause your roof to erode. You may not be able to completely prevent storm damage, but you can keep your trees trimmed so that no branches touch your roof. This will help prevent damage even during storms.

6. Small Animals

Small animals such as birds, rodents, and insects love making their home on a roof. They can cause many problems for a homeowner because these pests are likely to damage or destroy parts of your roof. Birds might nest in your gutters, causing clogs, and insects might eat away at your roof, getting into your attic. Small animals and pests can be difficult to control and prevent on your own, but hiring a professional to help protect your roof from them is always a good idea.

While these aren’t all the roofing problems that plague homeowners, you’re more likely to experience these issues than other less-common problems. Luckily, many of them can be easily prevented or fixed, especially if you enlist the help of professionals like Unified Roofing. If your roof has any issue, big or small, be sure to contact Unified Roofing today to fix it!